





    有「與我心有戚戚焉」的感覺嗎?  請享用這篇訊息吧~



潛得更深 飛得更高



邁可天使長透過Celia Fenn傳訊



Shanti田安琪翻譯 歡迎轉載  


摯愛的光之家族 在這改變與轉化的時刻

我們看到 為何如此多人正擁抱著以光密碼與脈衝迎向你們的、




現在 我們認為是進行另一段轉進的時機了

去潛得更深 飛得更高 是讓自己以愛與智慧之眼更真實地覺察的時機了





伴隨著你的光體與DNA光密碼的啟動 這是你能辦得到的


是在新地球實像中 去擁抱可能性與或然率的時機了


首先 我們會說

潛入你更深的心靈中 潛入你的存在之中


我們過去說過 2010年是個你們重新定義親密關係與夥伴關係的時刻


並且 在神聖和諧中 你們將透過親密關係與夥伴關係中各種靈性面向的經驗




當進入第五次元中時 你們將重新定義夥伴關係與親密關係以表達愛

那是無條件與深度承諾的 完全聚焦於意圖

那將是一種既榮耀宇宙 且榮耀個體的各種面向的愛




我們會建議你們把意圖的各個面向 承諾、透明(誠實)、與恩典



首先 在任合一種關係之中 意圖都是個重要的刻面


靈魂為了有關成長的特殊目的 彼此拖曳與磁吸在一起

一個有智慧的靈魂 會為任合一種親密關係與連結定義與表達一種意圖



當然 摯愛的










這是個人際連結的面向 但在你們的社會中已經遺失與疏於瞭解了

承諾是個「選擇」的表達 不代表財產與擁有

它代表的是 一旦一個意圖透過靈魂協議去定義了

那麼 這意圖必須誠實地去榮耀

那會創造信任與和平 因而推升和諧與喜悅

並且 因此而創造在更深連結、在愛與喜悅中分享的空間


The entire English origin:

Diving Deeper, Flying Higher and Perceiving with Greater Insight

The Energies for April 2010

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn


Beloved Family of Light, at this time of Change and Transformation, we see how so many of you are embracing the New Light and the Energy that comes to you in the Pulsations and Codes of Light from the Cosmic Heart. We see how you are stretching yourselves to grow and to evolve, and we applaud your progress. Now, we suggest that it is time to make another shift, and to allow yourselves to Dive Deeper, Fly Higher, and Perceive more truly with the eyes of Love and Wisdom, and to experience more of Who You Are at this time!

Beloveds, this is not a difficult task, it is what you are allowing with the Activations of your Light Body and your DNA Light Codes. It is indeed time to move beyond the old ways of living and being and to embrace what is Possible and Probable in your New Earth Reality.

First, we will say, dive deeper into your Heart and Soul and into your Being, and experience the Depths of Love and Connection and Intimacy that are available to you in this New Energy. We have said before that this year of 2010 is a time when you will redefine Relationships and Partnerships and seek to align these with Divine Harmony and Will. And, within this Divine Harmony you will experience the powerful depths of Divine Love through your experience of the Soul and Spiritual aspects of your relationships and partnerships.

Beloved Ones, as you move into the Fifth Dimension you will redefine Partnership and Relationship to express a Love that is both Unconditional and Deeply Committed and Focussed in Intention. It will be a Love that honors both the Cosmic and the Individual aspects of Connection and Communion on Planet Earth.

We will suggest, Beloveds, that you might consider these suggestions for defining and expressing Love and Connection at a greater level of Joy and Intimacy. We would suggest that you consider the aspects of Intention, Commitment, Transparency and Grace, as defining the energy of Relationship from the Heart and Soul in the New Earth.

Firstly, Intention is an important facet of any Relationship. On the level of soul connection, souls are drawn or magnetized towards each other for a specific purpose related to their mutual growth. A wise soul will define and express an intention for any relationship or connection. "What is this connection about and how do I experience it?", may be questions that you will ask. Of course, Beloveds, Relationships change and grow over time, but the defined essence or intention is what guides the expansion and development of that relationship. If both souls are clear on their intention for their connection, then they are more likely to connect in Harmony and without needing to experience emotions such as fear and anxiety and manipulation, as well as expectations that will not be met over time.

Once the intention is defined, it should be honored through Commitment and Focus. This is an aspect of interpersonal connection that has been lost or poorly understood in your society. Commitment is an expression of a Choice, and does not imply possession or ownership. It does suggest that once an intention is defined through soul contract, then that intention must be honored with integrity. This creates Trust and Peace, which promotes Harmony and Joy. And this, in turn, creates a space for deeper connection and sharing in Love and Joy.

Then, Transparency is also an aspect of such a Relationship. There should be openess and honesty between the people in the Relationship. Where all is open and there are no secrets or hidden agendas, then Trust can flourish and deepen into intimacy on the level of the Heart and Soul. In the New Energy, where you are learning how to feel and perceive empathically, you will in any case soon "pick up" when someone is not honest and open and transparent. A Relationship that is open and honest creates a feeling of Freedom and gives the ability to "be yourself" without fear.

And, Beloved Ones, when a Relationship or Partnership operates in this way, then Divine Grace is present. Divine Grace is the energy of Absolute Unconditional Love, and it creates Joy, Peace and Harmony. In this New Earth, let it be your desire and intention to bring Divine Grace into your lives thorugh Relationships that create Divine Harmony. Go deeper into your Hearts and find that deep love and empathy that will allow you to create Relationships that are a Communion that gives rise to Divine Grace in your lives. This is the essence of Sacred Relationship.

So, Beloved Ones, imagine that you are like a Dolphin and that you are diving deep into the Ocean of Feelings and Emotions of Divine Love! It can be a playful and joyous expression of the Divine Light in your Heart!

Then, Beloveds, imagine that you are an Eagle, and that you can soar through the skies. What would you see as you fly higher and higher? Would you not see things differently? Would you not have a greater perspective on your life and how you live?

Indeed, the Soul may be likened to a free flying bird, and its nature is to rise up and see things from a higher perspective. This Higher Perspective can be aligned with the Feelings of the Heart and the Emotions to create an alignment of Body and Soul, or Heaven and Earth.

Beloved Ones, as you learn to redefine the way that you express Love and Relationship, learn also to rise above the physical aspects of life and to ask "What does my soul see and feel?" in this situation. Allow yourself to rise up and to see your life and your choices from the perspective of your Higher Self and Soul. As you become more proficient at this process, it will become natural to you and you will soon learn to live with a constant awareness of the perspective of your life from the "eyes" of the soul.

Flying higher in this way will assist you to always align your Choices and Decisions with your Soul and with the Divine Light within, creating a continuum of Light and Power that will express the Divinity of Who You Are.

Beloveds, we offer this information because so many of you are still in the process of struggling to define and manage your friendships and personal relationships. You tend to get caught up in old, third-dimensional patterns of fear, anger, ownership, lack and conflict, when you would prefer to be on the higher levels of Harmony and Joy. We will say, Beloved Ones, simply make the choice to raise your relationship energies into Divine Harmony and Joy and learn to see, from a Higher Perspective, what choices need to be made and how you can honor those choices in your lives.

For know, beloved family of light, that the Soul always desires to align you with Spirit, and desires that you see with the Eyes of Love and Wisdom, and that you express Divine Unconditional Love and Harmony in all that you do and experience.

The Energies for April 2010

In this month of April, the energies will be intense. The Sun will be in fiery Aries until the 20th of April, when it moves into Taurus. Mars will be in fiery Leo, creating an agressive and explosive energy for the first part of the month.

The Feminine planet, Venus, will be happily in Taurus until the 25th, celebrating Love, Beauty, Grace and Harmony, as a counterbalance to the more fiery energies of Mars, and when the Sun crosses into Taurus on the 20th there will be a brief favorable window of opportunity for establishing the Higher Frequencies of Love and Harmony.

But, these energies will be challenged by Mercury retrograde from the 18th of April. As always, this aspect will challenge you to be more careful and to slow down a little. Then also, Saturn retrogrades in Virgo, creating a difficult aspect with Venus, suggesting also that some relationships will need to be restructured if Harmony is to be achieved.

Pluto retrogrades through Capricorn towards Sagittarius and the Galactic center, and will do so until September. This energy will also tend to bring up issues, and relationships that may have seemed completed will "return" to be transformed or finally released. It will be a Cosmic "second chance" for unresolved relationship issues.

The New Moon falls on the 14th of April, and falls in Aries. This is a Fire New Moon, when the energy is always a little volatile and unstable. It is a good time to ground your energies and focus on the Solar Light of Spirit that brings Divine Blessings for the New Age of Light.

The Full Moon falls on the 28th of April and is in Scorpio with the Sun in Taurus. A Water Moon is always a good time to explore the depths of consciousness and to "dive deep" into the world of feelings and emotions. As we suggested in this message, allow yourselves to dive deep into the Ocean of Love and then soar into the Heavens with the Scorpio eagle! It is time to stretch your wings and to be All That You Are.

We wish you Divine Harmony and Grace in the month of April!


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